Mortified Kid Finds Mom's Thong Stuck to Pant Leg at School [PIC]

A mom has gone viral for a hilarious — and relatable — laundry flub.

Heather M. Nicholson recently shared a post to Facebookdetailing the embarrassing incident, which involved her young son, Hunter, and a thong.

Nicholson began by explaining that she had just picked up Hunter after school, who was eager to tell her about something that happened in class.

"Momma, something funny happened today,” Hunter said, according to Nicholson.

When Nicholson inquired about what it could be, she said Hunter rolled up his pant leg and pulled out a pair of her thong underwear.

“I found this during music class!” Hunter said.

According to the embarrassed mom, her thong had stuck to the inside of her son’s pant leg due to static cling.

“He said he panicked and just shoved it back up there and left it all day because he thought I would want it back!” she wrote in the post. “Then he said he kept pretending to tie his shoe all day to shove them back up his pant leg.”

The post struck a chord with so many that Nicholson began her own “support group”Facebook pagefor all those “victims of static cling.”

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