5 Ways To Celebrate Dad's First Father's Day HIS WAY!

Let dad sleep in

Sleep loss is very real in the first year of parenting. No matter how you cut it, the lazy mornings of pre-parenthood are a thing of the past. Even if it means hiring a sitter or asking family for help, let dad sleep in. The extra zzzzs will be a priceless gift that dad will greatly appreciate.

Hire out one of his chores

Wither it’s fixing a leaky sink or mowing the yard, take something off dad’s “to-do” list as a Father’s Day gift. Hire a handyman or employee a neighborhood teenager to help with yardwork. Dad will appreciate having one less task to do and have more time to cuddle with baby or do something for himself.

Cook his favorite meal

Takeout and frozen food often become a staple during the first year of parenting with little time to prep and enjoy meals. Even if it means employing help to watch the baby or a late-night meal, make first-time dad one of his old food favorites. He will appreciate your devotion and the love you add into creating his favorite dish.

Give him the gift of 'me time'

New parents had no idea how much free time they had until baby arrives. All time is negotiated, allocated or scheduled with baby’s arrival. Give dad a gift that keeps on giving: time for himself to relax and replenish. Maybe this means him vegging out with some video games, going for a beer with bros or hitting the gym. Dad will appreciate the extra time for himself and return received and ready to enjoy time with the baby

Have a date

Baby’s first year is hard on a relationship. The sleep deprivation, feeding schedule and energy devoted to baby leave little time for partners to spend with each other. So, find someone to watch baby and have a date with dad. Whether it’s going out for a drink, eating at your favorite restaurant or doing an activity you loved before baby’s arrival, this time you devote to dad and your relationships will be a significant gift for dad.

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