5 Easy Ways to Save Money This Summer

Overhauling your budget is great, but sometimes you just want to shave down your spending a little bit to make room for something more important.

Summer is one of those seasons when people notoriously spend more. Between celebrating the warm weather and kids being out of school, activities become more frequent and vacation turns into a top priority.

Balance out your bump in spending this summer with these easy ways to save money.

1) Stop paying a premium for your groceries

There was definitely a time when finding organic groceries was hard and only a couple of stores sold your favorite almond milk. But those days are over. Finding your favorite food items is not only super accessible but much more affordable. There’s no reason to continue to pay a premium for your groceries.

So which grocery stores should you avoid? Local shops with limited inventory tend to skew higher than chains and a recent study found that Whole Foods was the most expensive grocer in the United States.

Compare prices in your area or online to significantly shave down your grocery bill.

2) Turn your air conditioner off when you’re not home

This summer is going to be hot and your electricity bill is guaranteed to rise with the temperature. Keep costs under control by turning your air conditioner up or off every time you leave the house.

According to the U.S. Department of Energy, “You can save as much as 10% a year on heating and cooling by simply turning your thermostat back 7°-10°F for 8 hours a day from its normal setting.”

Most modern thermostats have automatic settings so you can program in times when you know you will be away, like during the workday. For unplanned outings, just consider this an add-on step to turning off the lights. It may seem inconvenient at first but soon will become as natural as flipping that switch.  

3) Order your coffee canned or bottled

If you find yourself ordering your coffee or latte cold during summer months, you can shave a few bucks off your bill with this tip. Rather than placing a custom order, pick up a canned or bottled version from the grab-and-go section.

You might have overlooked it, but most coffee shops offer a refrigerator where you’ll find pre-made versions of your favorite drinks. While not as customizable as what your barista can whip up, it’s a close second. Order a cup of ice to go with it and the only difference you’ll notice is the total on your receipt.

4) Get on a family mobile plan

You could be paying two to three times as much to have an individual phone plan as you would being part of a family plan. Adding yourself as an extra line to a family member’s plan will likely cut your phone bill in half -- or more!

If you’re married and you and your partner haven’t made the merge yet, this summer is a great time to make moves. Rather than scrolling through Instagram on an overpriced data plan, why not save a few bucks each month and put those funds towards a real life adventure?

And if you’re single, you can still cash in on this tip. While being on the same phone plan as mom and dad or your Aunt Berta might seem awkward at your age, it’s really not that big of a deal. Just set up a recurring deposit into their account each month and you’ll still be paying your way 100%.

5) Sign up for price alerts on your top summer destinations

Have your mind set on a summer getaway? Travel search sites like Kayak let you sign up for price alerts so that you’ll get a notification when airfare costs drop. Just narrow down where you want to go and when, and you’ll receive an email if prices go down. If price rules over destination, create a few possible itineraries and go with whichever rings in at the lowest cost.

For those not willing to play the waiting game, tap into an app called Hopper that predicts with 95% accuracy the best time of the year for you to travel to your destination of choice.

While booking a flight spontaneously can be fun, it often results in overpaying for your vacation. Trust in technology to find the cheapest airfare for your next trip.

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